Play Store Settings Shortcut Zeichen

Play Store Settings Shortcut

  • APP : Play Store Settings Shortcut
  • Anforderungen : Android
  • Hersteller : Home
  • Kategorie : Tools

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Play Store Settings Shortcut Download(Google Play)

Play Store Settings Shortcut

Play Store Settings Shortcut ZeichenPlay Store Settings Shortcut show you Play Store info and provider a shortcut for Play Store Settings.Play Store Settings Shortcut Introduction:Google Play Store was a important Android APP Store, more and more people select play store to download APPS,there are some settings on Play Store,but very few people know how to use that's settings,so this app provider a shortcut for Play Store Settings.Play Store Settings include:1.Notifications – manage notification settings.2.App download preference – over any network.3.Auto update play videos.5.theme.6.add icon to home screen.7.clear local search history.8.Google Play preferences.9.User controls.10.Parental controls.11.Require authentication for purchases.12.Google Play Instant.13.Open source licenses.14.Play protect certification.How to use Play Store Settings Shortcut?1.Open this APP.2.Click Open Play Store Settings button,them will open Play Store Settings activity.Play Store Settings Shortcut feature:1.simple and useful.2.Powerful.3.Easy to operate.Thank you for use Play Store Settings Shortcut , if you find any question please contact me to resolve.

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